Jan Moraal MSc

Junior Consultant

What excites me is the combination of different mathematical methods and disciplines to come up with an efficient and usable solution. This became apparent during my study of Applied Mathematics, where I always wanted to be engaged with different subjects simultaneously. This resulted in a mix of probability theory and stochastic processes, analysis, simulation, and algorithm design; unexpected combinations of these can sometimes lead to remarkable results. The variation in subjects and the complexity of projects at CQM perfectly match this.

Translating a problem from 'the real world' into a mathematical model is like a fun puzzle for me, and even outside of work, I can't always help but put on that mathematical lens. The keyword here is efficiency: everywhere you look, there's something that can be done better, faster, and more sustainably. Being able to achieve this on a large scale at CQM, together with great colleagues and clients, is very satisfying.

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