Stories have been told since ancient times. Although the form has changed over the years, people's need to tell and listen to stories remains unabated. Stories have a major impact on the way we view the world, they help us form opinions and make decisions. Although a large part of the stories is still told by word of mouth, due to the advent of the internet, social media and further digitization there are more and more 'digital' stories. Every day, consumers leave behind digital information that - with the right analysis - can be used by marketers, for example, to improve products and services, sharpen communication campaigns and predict the online behavior of consumers.

At CQM we help companies find relevant stories. In structured and unstructured data. Both in text and image. With this we provide insight into what motivates consumers, where their needs lie and how they will behave in the future. Without having to talk to them directly or fill out questionnaires.

Our consultants are happy to discuss with you how marketing issues can be answered with quantitative methods. With this we reveal the stories that you as a marketer want to tell to make a difference with your consumer.

We ask you the following:

  • Are you interested in big data analysis so that you can make the most of your marketing budgets?
  • Would you like to know more about analyzes of internet reviews of your own products and those of competitors?
  • Are you curious about the relationship between what consumers write (reviews) and the rating (rating) they give?
  • Or do you want to find out which opportunities you create when we quantitatively map out customer needs?

Please contact Wieke, she will help you answer all these questions if you want!


Wieke Selten
Let Wieke Selten help you Contact us