My passion lies in puzzling with data. The fact that I have been able to do this in many different fields for many years has only sparked that passion. I believe in the power of Data Analytics. I see distilling meaningful information from data as an art and an indispensable condition for correct decisions. The great thing is that you always do this together. In the first place with the customer, with whom you sharpen the research question and come up with the desired solution. And the nice thing about working at CQM is that there are always colleagues with whom it is good to spar about the best analysis method.
From my mathematical-statistical expertise I am able to understand complex processes. A project is successful for me as soon as complex statistical analyzes have been translated into an easily applicable practical implementation. For example, a substantiated and manageable risk during inspections, a manageable quality in production processes or predictable variations in innovations.
I also enjoy transferring knowledge. Not with many formulas, but in an intuitive way, where people gradually discover the route to apply the right approach to their own data.