Statistical Process Control (SPC) helps make unpredictable production processes predictable. Some organizations have been using SPC for years, and we’re seeing a growing and/or renewed interest in SPC at a number of companies
CQM has over 40 years’ experience in the introduction and application of SPC within industrial contexts. Our trainers understand the thinking behind SPC and know the pitfalls when implementing it. Armed with this knowledge and experience, they have developed a pragmatic step-by-step plan for SPC that can be implemented quickly and effectively, supported by our user-friendly software. We can also transfer this knowledge to participants via our SPC training.
The training is always tailor-made to your needs and possibilities. To give you a rough idea, a training program, consisting of a number of half-day sessions, might look something like this:
- Intro training
- Refresh basic knowledge of statistics and bring participants to the same knowledge level.
- Process performance: process capability
- Company case
- Process Control
- Control Charts
- Spread Break Down: Short-term, Long-term and Positional spread
- Control loops and OCAPS
- Step-by-step plan for introducing SPC
By the end of the Statistical Process Control (SPC) training, participants:
• appreciate the need for and philosophy behind SPC;
• can themselves apply the relevant working methods and tools to typical scenarios within your organization;
• use the CQM step plan when implementing SPC in their process steps;
• are trained in applying the SPC tools in software.
Want to know more about a tailor-made SPC training course for your organization?
Contact Bert Schriever.