The translation of specifications for the end product to specifications for the underlying modules to specifications for the underlying components, parts and processes is a standard design activity. Yet in most product designs it results in an imbalance of specifications. For example, the modules meet the specifications but the system composed of the modules fails to do so. The working methods employed result in 'under' or 'over' specified designs.
The CQM method for Tolerance Design results in balanced tolerances throughout the entire chain from end product to components and processes. In the Tolerance Design workshop participants learn this method and get to practice with real-life cases and cases that the participants themselves bring along. At the heart of the workshop is the 'CQM Tolerance Designer' software tool.
Based on your needs and the knowledge level of the participants, we’ll work with you to create a tailor-made program for the training,
An extensive Tolerance Design Workshop might consist of the following elements:
- Basic statistical Measurement System Analysis (R & R)
- Process capability and stability
- Long & short-term spread
- Transfer functions
- Statistical tolerances
- Calculating spread
- Monte Carlo simulation
- Design capability prediction
- CQM Tolerance Designer
- Impact of (critical) parameters
- Solving spread problems
By the end of the training participants:
- know the basic principles of calculating tolerance;
- can assess existing tolerance chains on 'over' and 'under' specification;
- know the (statistical) techniques and have gained experience in applying them;
- can themselves draw up and calculate a tolerance chain using the CQM method and CQM Tolerance Designer;
- are adept at working with the CQM Tolerance Designer software.
Like more information on our in-company tailor-made training Tolerance Design?
Please contact Peter Stehouwer.